It contains two different tools on a translucent window, which stays on top of any other window.
1. Stencil tool
It is used to create template patterns useful in conjunction with any painting, photo manipulation or design software. The stencils help you create image compositions according to the "golden section" rule or some other ratios.
2. Measure tool
It is used to define two lines on the screen. The lengths as well as the angle and the ratio of the two lines are displayed.
Multiple copies of each tool can be used at the same time.
Stencil tool:
With the stencil tool you can place a Frame on the screen. This frame is divided into sections by means of a pattern of lines. Several different patterns are available for dividing the frame with different proportions (the golden section for instance).
The Aspect ratio of the frame can easily be set to a special value by holding down the shift key while moving one of the borders with the mouse. The special aspect ratio is displayed next to the mouse. Several special aspect ratios are available: common photo, movie and paper formats as well as whole numbers and - of course - the golden section.
Aspect ratio, size, position and rotation angle are displayed on the main window.
Cutting photographs:
The following example shows how to cut a photo in a way, the content is arranged according to the golden section ratio.
Golden Ratio is used with Photo-Paint here.
The translucent worksheet window (on the left) and the main window (on the right) are on top of the Photo-Paint window. Golden Ratio is in "Edit" mode (orange button is down) here. This means that the stencil can be moved, resized and rotated on the worksheet window of Golden Ratio by means of the resizing grips.